liquame chiarificato della mucca

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  1. celerone

    User deleted

    Ho preso mezzo litro di deiezione liquida di mucca da latte,ho aggiunto mezzo litro di argento ionico concentrato a 5 ppm.
    Nella miscelazione l'odore e sparito e dopo 24 ore si è depositato un leggero strato sul fondo,di color marron scuro,sembra una colonia che so,di betteri sterminati o altro.?
    Se avete spiegazioni vi ringrazio.

    domanda da puro inesperto del settore...............................

    EDIT FARIDA ciao celerone, ho provveduto a postarla nel modo corretto.

    Edited by Farida - 4/11/2008, 18:30
  2. celerone

    User deleted

    scusa Farida,non riguarda il latte della mucca,ma bensi il liquame chiarificato della mucca accoppiato all'ACI(argento ionico colloidale),dovresti a mio parere modificare il titolo.
  3. Farida

    User deleted

    Grazie celerone, e scusa per l'errore di distrazione. :chair.gif:
  4. celerone

    User deleted

    CITAZIONE (celerone @ 4/11/2008, 00:47)
    Ho preso mezzo litro di deiezione liquida di mucca da latte,ho aggiunto mezzo litro di argento ionico concentrato a 5 ppm.
    Nella miscelazione l'odore e sparito e dopo 24 ore si è depositato un leggero strato sul fondo,di color marron scuro,sembra una colonia che so,di betteri sterminati o altro.?
    Se avete spiegazioni vi ringrazio.

    domanda da puro inesperto del settore...............................

    EDIT FARIDA ciao celerone, ho provveduto a postarla nel modo corretto.

    Non vorrei essermi mio intento primario è conoscere le potenzialità dell'ACI(argento colloidale ionico)applicato alla cura e disinfezione di stalle e bestiame quali mucche,suini ecc.
    la prova che ho eseguito è casuale,con il risultato che il fastidioso odore di deiezione mista ad ACI è immediatamente sparito.
    si da il caso che l'ACi con concentrazioni appropriate abbia benefici di rilievo sulla salute animale e non solo.

  5. celerone

    User deleted

    trovandomi ogni giorno tra allevatori ed allevamenti diversi,considerate le scarse misure igieniche usate per i locali e gli animali,volevo approfondire con Voi, un prodotto che ho testato e se applicabile a questo scopo.Si tratta dell'acqua bidistillata portata in forma ionica con argento purissimo.La forma ionica o colloidale dell'argento,è una forma naturale non dispendiosa per il trattamento igienico conservativo di animali e locali,oltre ad essere un antibiotico naturale,antibatterico,antifungino,antinfiammatorio,antiparassitario,decongestionante delle mucose,antiossidante.L'efficacia per piu' di 650 diversi tipi di batteri,funghi,parassiti e virus senza alcun effetto collaterale,sia nell'uomo che negli animali e piante ne da prova della possibilità di un test presso un allevamento di primaria importanza lombarda,per una verifica delle veridicità proprietarie.Gradirei conoscere le Vs impressioni e valutazioni in merito.Spero non sia un monologo.
  6. Comy

    User deleted

    1-l'argento non è un antibiotico, ma un antibatterico
    2-non lo defnirei propriamente naturale
    3-non è vero che non ha alcun effetto sulla salute umana
    4-secondo quale criterio sarebbe un antiossidante?
    5-con che meccanismi sarebbe un antiinfiammatorio?
    6-come decongestiona le mucose?
    7-come viene utilizzato negli allevamenti?
    8-se è efficace contro i virus, come mai si muore di AIDS, epatite C, ebola, rabbia ecc ecc?

    ne da prova della possibilità di un test presso un allevamento di primaria importanza lombarda

    che tipi di controllo sono stati effettuati?
    in che ambienti sono stati effettuati questi controlli?

    non sono scettico eh, sono semplicemente curioso..
  7. celerone

    User deleted

    A detta di esperti,Sembra riesca a combattere con:

    Anthrax Bacilli (12), (13) Appendicitis (13)
    Axillae and Blind Boils of the Neck (10) B. Coli (12)
    B. Coli Communis (17) B. Dysentery (14)

    B. Tuberculosis (17) Bacillary Dysentery (14)

    Bladder Irritation (22) Blepharitis (23)

    Boils (20) Bromidrosis in Axille (22)

    Bromidrosis in Feet (20) Burns and Wounds of the Cornea (23)

    Cerebrospinal Meningitis (13), (19) Chronic Cystitis (20)

    Chronic Eczema of Maetus of Ear (20) Colitis (14)

    Cystitis (12) Dacrycystitis (23)

    Dermatitis suggestive of Toxaemia (14) Diarrhoea (14)

    Diphtheria (13) Dysentery (13), (16)

    Ear Affections (13) Enlarged Prostate (22)

    Epididymitis (20) Erysipelas (13)

    Eustachian Tubes (patency restored) (12) Follicular Tonsillitis (20)

    Furunculosis (13) Gonococcus (17)

    Gonorrhea (20) Gonorrheal Conjunctivitis (20)

    Gonorrheal Opthalimia (23) Gonorrheal Prostatic Gleet (21)

    Hemorrhoids (22) Hypophyon Ulcer (23)

    Impetigo (20) Infantile Disease (26)

    Infected Ulcers of the Cornea (23) Inflammatory Rheumatism (13)

    Influenza (21) Intestinal Keratitis (23)

    Intestinal Troubles (16) Lesion Healing (22)

    Leucorrhoea (16) Menier's Syndrome (16)

    Nasal Catarrh (15) Nasopharyngeal Catarrh (reduced) (18)

    Oedematous enlargement of Turbinates without True Hyperplasia (20) Offensive Discharge of Chronic Suppuration in Otitis Media (20)

    Ophthalmology (12) Ophthalmic practices (13)

    Para-Typhoid (13) Paramecium (11)

    Perineal Eczema (22) Phelgmons (13)

    Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis (20) Pneumococci (12)

    Pruritis Ani (22) Puerperal Septicemia (25)

    Purulent Opthalmia of Infants (23) Pustular Eczema of Scalp (20)

    Pyorrhoea Alveolaris (Riggs Disease) (18) Quinsies (16)

    Rhinitis (19) Ringworm of the body (20)

    Scarlatina (13) Sepsis (26)

    Septic Tonsillitis (20) Septic Ulcers of the legs (20)

    Septicaemia (15), (18) Shingles (16)

    Soft Sores (20) Spring Catarrh (20)

    Sprue (16) Staphyloclysin (inhibits) (12)

    Staphylococcus Pyogenea (17) Staphylococcus Pyogens Albus (12)

    Staphylococcus Pyogens Aureus (12) Streptococci (17)

    Subdues Inflammation (22) Suppurative Appendicitis (post-op) (20)

    Tinea Versicolor (20) Tonsillitis (16)

    Typhoid (13) Typhoid Bacillus (24)

    Ulcerative Urticaria (14) Urticaria suggestive of Toxaemia (22)

    Valsava's Inflammation (16) Vincent's Angina (20)

    Vorticella (11) Warts (22)

    Whooping cough (16)"

    The same article lists the following as a documented list of silver resistant bacteria.

    Citrobacter Freundii (30) Enterobacter Cloacae (30)
    Enterobacteriaceae (some strains) (29) Escherichia Coli (some strains) (29)
    Klebsiella Pneumoniae (30) P. Stutzeri (some strains) (29)
    Proteus Mirabilis (30) Vegetative B. Cereus Spores (34)"

  8. Comy

    User deleted

    che tipo di test è stato effettuato per arrivare a questi risultati?
    perchè io ti posso garantire che una immersione in una vasca di plutonio è efficace contro ogni vivente, tranne pochi batteri (si bhè, dipende dalla quantità eh :P )

    chi è stato lo sciagurato ad aver pubblicato il nome della specie in maiuscolo come il genere, soprattutto? :D
    cosa significano i numeri tra parentesi?

    perchè non hai risposto a tutte le mie domande?
  9. celerone

    User deleted

    Mi devi prendere per un ignorante della materia,non devo dare risposte,quelle le sto già chiedendo io..............

    Silver toxicity – How much is harmful

    Can Colloidal Silver harm you? Most of the promotional hype says it cani. However, almost anything can be harmful if used in excess. This includes commonly used drugs and even common foods. Potatoes, tomatoes, wheat, mushrooms, and many other common foods contain toxins and/or carcinogens or even mostly harmless substances which can be harmful to susceptibie individuals. They doni usually harm us because we limit their consumption to levels to which our body can adapt to, and metabolize.

    The bottom line is that small doses of silver seem harmless for most people while large doses taken in great excess can be toxic, even lethal. So the question is: what constitutes a small safe amount and what constitutes a large potentially harmful amount?

    Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to that question. There is, however, some information available that can serve as clues or points of reference from which a "guess" can be made. This is not intended to be construed as medicai advice or recommendations for usage, but as correlative information for academic and research purposes.

    In the various promotional documents on colloidal silver, a theory is often presented that "true" colloidal silver is non-toxic and that only the older silver proteins and silver salts are toxic. It is true that neariy ali of the toxicological data is on silver salts and silver proteins with much higher silver content than current electrocolloidal products. It is also true that colloidal silver, silver salts and silver proteins cannot be assumed to produce the same results or have the same toxicities. It is also true that I have been unable to find any documentation of a single case of argyria produced from the consumption of low concentration electrocolloidal silver. It is my assumption, however, that the low dose electrocolloidal silver could cause argyria if used in sufficiently excessive quantities.

    Two very important factors are the total accumulated dose of silver and how quickly it was consumed. The rate of consumption is probably more important than the total quantity because there is an excretion process. If the intake exceeds the body's ability to eliminate the silver, it accumulates in the tissues. An estimation of the body's ability to eliminate silver is then criticai to understanding what dosage is toxic.

    It appears that colloidal silver is absorbed orally through the GI tract, through the nasal mucosa, and presumable sublingually and rectally. Some individuals also have reported injecting colloidal silver.

    None of the old medicai literature that I was able to find gave a satisfactory assessment of the absorption, retention and excretion of colloidal silver. The old literature suggested that silver is eliminated primarily through the feces with active biliary excretion. Even inhaled silver is eliminated through the feces. (63)

    The silver products that were used in the early twentieth century were mostly silver proteins rather than colloidal silver and the silver content was much higher, 10% to 30% by weight rather than the 0.001 % silver content of 10 ppm colloidal silver. This kind of difference makes comparisons rather meaningless. Clearly, better data is needed to offer those using colloidal silver some idea whether they are foolishly poisoning themselves or have little to worry about.

    One individuai, Roger Altman Eng.Sc.D., took the task upon himself to find some of the answers to these questions, without support or funding. He made careful measurements of the silver that he consumed and the silver that he excreted in urine, feces, hair, nails, sweat, etc. From his carefully collected data, we now have an indication of how these processes work. The summary of his data is presented here with permission. A summary of his data can be found in Aapendix B. To purchase a complete copy of his report contact him at roaaltman(

    Dr. Altman consumed 2.34 mg. of silver daily for several months then measured the total silver excreted from his body over a 24 hour period. He concluded that silver is excreted easily from the body, primarily in the urine. The total silver excreted during this particular measurement period exceeded the amount consumed during that period. This is accounted for by the variability of the amount of waste (urine, feces, etc.) eliminated from the body, the amount consumed through food and water, etc. It does point out that silver is eliminated from the body much more efficiently than we previously thought. It also may explain why there have been no cases of argyria reported by individuals using low dosage electrocolloidal silver. The colloidal silver that he was using was electrocolloidal silver made by the high voltage DC (180 VDC) process.

    Dr. Altman also ran a measurement of silver elimination for 100 days following the cessation of silver intake. Initially, most of the silver was eliminated through the urine. He noted that increasing water intake increased silver elimination through the urine. After approximately the first month, silver elimination was greater through the feces than through the urine. He estimated that by the 100 day mark nearly ali of the accumulated silver had been eliminated from his tissues.

    This is only one set of measurements on one individuai. It is, however, data carefully obtained by a scientifically trained individuai using modern analytical tools. It suggests that a healthy adult can consume approximately 2 mg. of colloidal silver per day without risk. This data is insufficient, however, to assume that the same situation will prevail in other individuals. Someone with kidney disease, for example, may have difficulty eliminating silver and may risk toxicity with prophylactic consumption.

    The available information suggests that silver salts are clearly more toxic than silver proteins or colloidal silver. It is possible to produce a variety of silver salts and other silver compounds in some manufacturing processes. These may be left over from the materials used in the manufacturing process or may be produced by the manufacturing process as a by product, especially if impure materials are used. Silver nitrate is especially toxic because it reacts readily with proteins and is quite caustic. Some methods of producing silver colloids chemically use silver nitrate as one of the ingredients and there may be traces of it remaining in the mixture.
8 replies since 4/11/2008, 00:47   618 views